Old film scans I dug up

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Wreckage after Lindsay's birthday

Wreckage after Lindsay's birthday

Wreckage of Lindsay after her Birthday

Wreckage of Lindsay after her Birthday

Scott making breakfast

Scott making breakfast

Karl in the kitchen

Karl in the kitchen

Flowers along trade zone blvd in spring

Flowers along trade zone blvd in spring

duck in drain off trade zone blvd

duck in drain off trade zone blvd

swamp land on a track at point reyes

swamp land on a track at point reyes

Moonrise over flowers

Moonrise over flowers

Firemens show in Fort Bragg

Firemens show in Fort Bragg

Jess in the sunset near Mendocino

Jess in the sunset near Mendocino

Jess in the B&B just north of Mendocino

Jess in the B&B just north of Mendocino

Jared, Karl and Jess clowning around, Anastassia's going away party

Jared, Karl and Jess clowning around, Anastassia's going away party